3D Market Trend

The market for 3D digital photography today includes predominantly the Medical Imaging sector (i.e. Plastic Surgeons) and the Defense sector (Reconnaissance & Mapping). There have been some additional penetration of 3D imaging in commercial markets such as 3D Photo booths, tourist photography, crystal portraits and lenticular 3D prints, although not at a pervasive level.
In the mass consumer market, there have been gaming platforms and motion pictures, some of which employ alternative forms of 3D imaging technologies such as goggle-based solutions. However, as forecasted by the Display bank report  based on the short to mid-term market prediction model by conventional devices, the 3D imaging market was expected to take 9.2% of the total display market by 2015 .

As information communication and multi-media development advances, 3D technologies would
actively propagate into broad fields including communication, information, education, medical, and entertainment. In addition, a study of the main industry trends in Korea, Japan, U.S., and Europe show that 3D display is expected to show 95% average annual growth rate in terms of prices, increasing from USD 140 million in 2008 to USD 15.8 billion in 2015.